pirates lair treasure chest Gen 1:1 to Rev 22:21
The Pirate's Lair
a Division of DataCity, Inc.

the pirates lair jolly roger

Antique Naval Militaria & Nautical Artifacts
Old Navy Dinnerware & Silverware, Restored Antique Trunks For Sale, WWII Liberty Ship Hatch Cover Tables, Sea Chests, Pirate Chests, Treasure Chests, Antique Steamer Trunks Restored, Military & Navy Retirement Gifts, Unique US Navy Shadowbox Ideas! Photo History Identification Navy Water Casks and Kegs, Naval Cutlass, Boarding Ax, Boarding Pike
- Civil War, SpanAm War, Great White Fleet, WWI, WWII, Korea, and Vietnam era's.

  Online Shopping Cart

Welcome to The Pirates Lair  The Pirate's Lair
Welcome Aboard Matey!

Restored Antique Trunks For Sale and
Civil War to WWI Naval Antiques

nautical restored antique trunks, sea chests, treasure chests, and pirate chests Restored Antique Trunks For Sale
Steamer Trunks, Sea Chests, Pirate Treasure Chests

unique military & navy retirement gift idea shadowbox Unique Navy Retirement ShadowBox Ideas

WWII US Navy Liberty Ship Hatch Covers and Tables WWII Liberty Ship Hatch Cover Tables, Desks, and Nautical Furniture

antique nautical rum and water kegs and casks Naval and Nautical Antiques
Wooden Rum & Water Casks & Kegs

antique naval boarding pikes, boarding axes and cutlasses Naval Antiques - Edged Weapons
Naval Cutlass, Boarding Ax, Boarding Pike

antique and vintage oil burning ships navigation lights and lamps Naval & Nautical Navigation Lights
Antique Ship's Lamps, Lights, Lanterns

antique enlisted sailor navy ditty boxes Antique Naval Seamans Ditty Boxes
Small Desktop Sea Chests

US Old Navy Dinnerware, Navy China, Navy Silverware
Available For Sale

naval antique dinnerware, navy china plates, bowls, cups civil war, span am war, great white fleet  Unique Naval Antique Gifts 1860-1939
Civil War, Span Am War, Great White Fleet & WWI

US Navy WWII Naval China for Warrant Officer Mess - USN  Warrant Officers Mess "USN"
WO1, WO2, WO3

US Navy WWII Naval China for Junior Officers Mess - Square Knot  Junior Officers Mess "Square Knot"
Ensign & LtJG

US Navy WWII Naval China for the Wardroom Officers Mess - Fouled Anchor  Wardroom Officers Mess "Anchor"
Lt, LtCdr, Cdr)

US Old Navy China with Fouled Anchor and USN initials  Wardroom Officers Mess "Anchor w/ USN"
Limited Production 1950s

Old Navy Vintage Naval China with War Eagle and USN initials  Senior Officers Mess "Eagle w/ USN"
Limited Production 1950s

Old Navy WWII Naval China Captains Mess - Burgee Flag or Commissioning Pennant  Captains Mess Tableware "Burgee Commissioning Pennant"

Old Navy WWII Naval China Rear Admirals Mess - 3 White Star, Blue Flag  Rear Admirals Mess "2 Stars"

Old Navy WWII Naval China Vice Admirals Mess - 3 White Star, Blue Flag  Vice Admirals Mess "3 Stars"

Old Navy WWII Naval China Fleet or Full Admirals Mess - 4 White Star, Blue Flag  Fleet Admirals Mess "4 Stars"

Old Navy Department of Navy China Senior Officers and Staff - Department of Navy Seal  Department of the Navy Seal

Old US Navy Silverware, Kings Design Flatware - Fouled Anchor  US Navy Silverware Wardroom Officers Mess
Kings Design w/ Fouled Anchor

Old Navy WWI WWII US Navy Tablecloths Napkins USN  1900-1940s US Navy Officers Mess Linen
Napkins Tablecloths Napkin Rings

US Navy Antique Cut Crystal Decanters Acid-etched Crystalware Stemware  Antique US Navy Crystalware & Stemware
Crystal Decanters, Glasses, Bowls

Old Navy WWI WWII US Navy Silverplate Serving Pieces  US Navy Silverplate Serving Pieces or Holloware

Old Navy WWI WWII Korea Vietnam US Navy Enlisted Dinnerware Mess Decks Galley  US Navy Enlisted Mess & Galley, Galleyware Dinnerware

USMC Marine Corps Dinnerware Officers Enlisted Mess USMC Marine Corps Officer & Enlisted Mess

USCG Coast Guard Dinnerware Officers and Enlisted Mess USCG Coast Guard Officer & Enlisted Mess

NYNM New York Naval Militia China Dinnerware New York Naval Militia (NYNM) Est 1891

USMM US Merchant Marine Brotherhood of the Sea AFLCIO Union Brotherhood of the Sea SIU (AFL-CIO)

International Naval China & Dinnerware
Some Available For Sale

Australian Navy Royal Australian Navy (RAN)

Argentinian Navy Argentinian Navy
Armada de la Republica Argentina

Austro-Hungarian Empire Navy Imperial Austro-Hungarian Navy
Kaiserliche und Konigliche (KuK) Kriegsmarine

Brazilian Navy Brazilian Navy
Marinna Do Brasil

British Royal Navy British Royal Navy (RN)

Canadian Navy Royal Canadian Navy (RCN)

chiliean Navy Chilean Navy
Marina De Chile

PRC Peoples Republic of China Navy Peoples Liberation Army Navy (PLAN)
People's Republic of China (PRC)

Danish Navy Royal Danish Navy (RDN)
Sovaernet Sea Defense

Ecuadoran Navy Ecuadorian Navy
Armada del Ecuador

Finnish Navy Finnish Navy
Merivoimat or Marinem

French Navy French Navy
Naval Nationale

German Navy German Navy or German Kriegsmarine, Reichsmarine, Kaiserliche Marine

Greek Navy Royal Greek Navy

Israeli Navy Israeli Navy IDF

Italian Navy Royal Italian Navy
Regia Marina Militare Italiana

Japanese Navy Imperial Japanese Navy (IJN)

Malaysian Navy Royal Malaysian Navy

Mexican Navy Mexican Navy or Armada de Mexico

Netherlands of Dutch Navy Royal Netherlands Navy or Dutch Navy

New Zealand Navy Royal New Zealand Navy (RNZN)

Nigerian Navy Nigerian Navy

Norwegian Navy Royal Norwegian Navy

Peruvian Navy or Armada Peruana Peruvian Navy
Armada Peruana

Polish Navy Polish Navy or Marynarka Wojenna

Portuguese Navy Royal Portuguese Navy
Marinha Real Portuguesa

Prussian Navy Imperial Prussian Navy
Preuschen or Preussen Marine

royal saudi Navy Royal Saudi Arabian Navy

Russian Soviet Union Navy Russian Navy, USSR Soviet Union

Spanish Navy Spanish Navy or
Armada de Espana

Swedish Navy Swedish Navy or
Svenska Marine

Thai Navy Thai Navy, or Royal Navy of Thailand

Turkish Navy, Ottoman Empire Turkish Navy or Donanma Komutanligi

Historical Naval Photographs of Officers Mess and Enlisted Galley Mess Decks
Information, Documentation, Identification

Antique Naval Photographs Mess Halls Decks Galleys Wardrooms Vintage Naval Mess Photographs For Sale

CSN Conferate States Navy Civil War China Tableware Confederate States of America Navy (CSN) Tableware

Naval Platters from around the World Photo's of US & International Navy China Platters & Servers

US Navy Silverware Pattern Identification US Navy Silverware Pattern Identifications

US Navy Insiginia Topmark and Pattern Identification US Navy Dinnerware History & Topmark Pattern Identification

British Royal Navy Insiginia Topmark and Pattern Identification British Royal Navy 19th & 20th C. Topmark Pattern Identification

antique naval rum cups, kegs, grog casks Authentic 19th & 20th Century British Royal Navy Copper Grog and Rum Cups

Photographic History of Naval Mess Halls Decks Wardrooms and Galleys Photographic Naval History of Mess Halls, Wardrooms and Galleys

WWII US Navy Liberty Ship SS Jermiah O'Brien Photo's of Hatch Covers in Use on WWII Liberty Ships & SS Jeremiah O'Brien

WWI 1917 US Navy WAVES Women in the Navy Reserve Antique Photos US Navy WAVES

mcuf marine corps university froundation donations and grants Marine Corps University
Foundation MCUF

Antique Trunks in Historical Photographs
Miscellaneous But Kewl Dinnerware, Warranty Info
Navy Retirement Gift Ideas, Favorite Links, Contact Information

history of steamer trunks photographs Antique Steamer Trunks Photographed in History

antique steamer trunk restoration techniques Antique Furniture Restoration Technique and Services

unique unusual unknown unidentified china dinnerware tableware Miscellaneous, Interesting Dinnerware

Military and Naval Officer Promotion Retirement Gift Ideas Shadow Box Navy Militaria Gift Ideas

Nautical Gifts for Men Women Naval Nautical Gift Ideas
for Men and Women

antique nautical bracelets fouled anchor us navy Antique Nautical Bracelets & Keychains

Warranty Service, Policies, and Right of Parlay Warranty Service and Right of Parlay

US Navy and Naval Historical Links and History Navy History, Naval Militaria, and Nautical Links

email the pirates wench   sales@thepirateslair.com
email the pirates wench

The Pirate's Lair
Division of DataCity, Inc.
78 Canterbury Drive
Stafford, Virginia 22554
Phone: 540-659-6209
"Service Disabled Veteran Owned Small Business"

Silk Scarves Hand Painted Custom Handpainted Silk Scarves

manassas park warehouse for sale Manassas Park Industrial Warehouse For Sale - Manassas Park, Prince William County Industrial Zoned I-1 Commercial Warehouse For Sale with Flex Space, Office Space.

fsbo home for sale by owner, manassas virginia 20112 Waterfront Home For Sale By Owner Stafford VA 22554

Somewhere Beyond The Sea Somewhere Beyond The Sea by Bobby Darin 1947 - Favorite Song of WWII Pacific War U.S. Navy Veterans and Sailors

Aquia or Acquia Creek Civil War History Photographs Civil War at Aquia Creek Landing, Acquia Creek, Virginia now known as Canterbury Estates

Civil War and Naval Items Civil War naval items

fsbo waterfront home for sale stafford virginia FSBO Waterfront Home For Sale By Owner, Stafford, Virginia

Civil War and Naval Items Collection Naval Antiques

Note: All text below this line is for the specific consumption of Search Engine Bots, Robots, Crawlers and other Denizens of the Deep Dark Internet and should be disregarded by mere mortals.

American US Navy Cutlass Boarding Pike and Ax. The Pirates Lair specializes in Unique Nautical Gifts of authentic vintage Old US Navy Gifts of Navy China, Navy History, Tableware and Old Navy Dinnerware including all of the International Navies such as the Royal Norwegian Navy of Norway, the Royal Canadian Navy and Armed Forces of Canada, French Navy from France, Royal Danish Navy of Denmark, Regia Marina Royal Italian Navy, Royal Netherlands Navy of the Netherlands, Kriegsmarine of Imperial Germany, Polish Navy of Poland, Imperial Japanese Navy of Japan, Royal Australian Navy of Australia, Her Majesty's Royal Navy of Great Britain, Navale de Argentinia Argentinian Navy of Argentina. Rare tableware and dinnerware also available for the USMC US Marine Corps, USCG US Coast Guard. The vintage spans from the late 1800's 19th century, Spanish-American War, Great White Fleet, WWI, Boxer Rebellion, WWII, Korea and Vietnam 20th century era's. The dinnerware consists of complete sets of plates, dishes, bowls, cups, saucers, trays and both
silverplate and stainless flatware. The Pirate's Lair also offers authentic nautical furniture made from WWII Liberty Ship Hatch Covers and restores them into coffee tables, captains desks, and kitchen tables; these are also perfect for sports bars and other nautical retail outlets. The Pirate's Lair completes the nautical theme and nautical christmas gift decor with 100 to 150 year old antique chests, antique trunks, steamer trunks, sea chests, pirate chests and treasure chests which can be used as steamer trunks, antique chestshope chests, china chests to store the Navy tableware, filing cabinets for the nautical office.
Naval militaria such as nautical furniture restoration and antique furniture can use Liberty Ship hatch covers for hatch cover tables as well as pirate chests, treasure chests and antique chests to store the US Navy tableware and US Navy dinnerware.
The US Navy china is part of the overall Navy silverware collection which includes the Navy's Enlisted mess, Captains mess, Wardroom Officers mess as well as the Admirals mess. Part of the collection includes Norwegian navy, Canadian navy, Japanese navy, German navy or Kriegsmarine, the USSR or Soviet or Russian navy,
the Polish navy, and French navy. The Nautical christmas gifts consist of USMC Marine Corps, USCG Coast Guard also have the Right of Parlay for Warranty Service.